Saturday, July 18, 2009
Artists and re-reviews
Yami no Matsuei
By - Matsushita Yoko
Shonen Ai
According to my friend, unfinished
Yami no Matsuei is about Tsuzuki and Hisoka (Mostly Tsuzuki) who are Shinigami and they have to figure out why people are being killed so much. They travel around together, and end up finding that whenever they go somewhere Muraki is there effing everything up.
I obviously really loved this series. The art is amazing (Tsuzuki is so cute! ^^) The music is absoloutely fabulous, and the plot! *gasp* Yes, the p-word. This series has a really deep plot that draws you in like none other. My only complaint is the lack of yaoi-ness. First episode Hisoka TOTALLY falls for Tsuzuki and All this happens and then after that 11 episodes and nothing haappens! Boo! I didn't like that. Ah, the pairing for this is Tsuzuki/Hisoka *Blocks ears and yells loudly to keep anyone from telling her otherwise* Tsuzuki seems to have something with everyone, though (But he loves Hisoka! ;o;) especially Muraki. Muraki is the villan and he's the creepiest hottest effing most IRRITAING AWESOME villan. Yeah. Bipolar. I really think Muraki should be with Samurai man, his high school friend if you want my personal opinion. But it's really good, and I really, highly reccomend it!
I'm just gonna give you the link to 1, because if you look above the video they have a chain link thingie to all the rest of the videos on that site. (All 13. If you can't get some to load check Youtube, but I don't think Youtube has all of them)
Favorite Part: Muraki being a totally creeper. Win.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
By - Matoh Sanami
Saturday, April 4, 2009

Sunday, March 22, 2009
Boku No Koe
By - Nitta Youka
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Beware of the Rival
Beware of the Rival (Rival Ni Ki Wo Tsukero) - Manga
By - Yamakami Riyu
Concluded Series (1 book)
This book is spilt into 4 parts. I'll go over the 4 parts individually. (And I'm trying to be general about it... not give too much, away, you know?)
1) Ren and Kunimi both love the same guy, Sakae. The first part is them fighting over him.
2) This one is about Ren and Kunimi again, developing their own feelings.
3) The next one is about Mei and Shouta. Mei is moving out on his own... there's just one problem. He's a total klutz. No matter what he does he does it wrong, basically. So his friend Shouta offers to move in with him. (I wish this one had more sex and was more conclusive... =( )
4) The last one is about Hibiki and Toshikazu. Toshikazu is very controlling and Hibiki kinda wants a little freedom... just be careful what you wish for... yeah? (In the end of this one there is a small short story that goes back to Ren and Kunimi. It's really cute.)
I only gave it four because it wasn't TOTALLY amazing and I was tired of handing out fives... X\ It was still good, though. Her (His? It's.) people have no foreheads, that's my biggest complaint. Other than that the sex was hawt and the stories were cute, though the middle story was my least favorite. Still. They were good enough to re-read... on accident... (When I'm finding pictures to put as the scans I just end up reading it again xD AHHH!) Be very attentive to names. Each story has a blonde and a black haired guy, so it CAN get a little confusing. I got a little confused with the way Manga Traders seperated the chapters, so if you're using MT be smart and don't get confused like me. xD
Manga Traders and Manga Fox
(Downloads as zipped folder.)
(This is catagorized under it's japanese title, Rival Ni Ki Wo Tsukero)
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Wild Fish
By - Hiiro Reiichi
By - Shimada Hisami
Monday, March 9, 2009
By - Yun Kouga